> I would recomend using a different ham freq. than 146.52 simplex as
> hams use it for a chit chat freq. and in a large city it would be busy
> the time. When I am out doing stuff like Geocaching I use 147.570
kinda off
> the beaten path type.
> Patrick Brown
In general I agree with you about not using "five-two" for simplex
communications. I don't think amateurs should use that frequency for
anything other than hooking up and agreeing on a frequency to switch to,
but that's not a topic for this listserver.
This situation is different because we are going to be thirty miles from
the nearest city (Yuma). Most people have 146.52 programmed into their
2-meter transceivers. If someone is trying to call us that day, it will
likely mean they are late or having other problems. The last thing I'd
want is to have someone trying to reach us under those circumstances
trying to remember what frequency they're supposed to be calling us on.
To tell you the truth, I'm not even certain anyone else who is going has
an Amateur license. But this way we are covered, just in case. And then
we can always "QSY" (change frequency).
Team Tierra Buena
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". -- Dave