I did a cache today north of Wickenberg/Congress called the OASIS
cache....just about got SHOT....anyway, I noticed that the last person
to log online, on 11/16, who shall remain nameless (but he goes by
WYLE E) didn't have an entry in the cache log book!!! I have NO doubt
that he found that cache (he almost got shot at too!!) but since Brain
(smile) and I were having the discussion the other day about "you
can't count a find unless the log is signed 'rule' " (I think there
could be exceptions) I just wanted to point out that if the "KING of
AZ CACHING" might once in a while forget to sign a log, that maybe us
commoners can be excused too!! (I signed ALL of mine today, except one
that didn't have a log in it, that would have been hard!)
I am not critizising anybody, just belaboring my point again, and
again, that "hard and fast' RULES are not always appropriate or
followed in a GAME like this. Sign when you can, forget as little as
possible, my new motto!! (hah hah hah) I am KIDDING everybody, before
you get all bent.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, we ate so much I could hardly hike
up Williams Mtn!!!
Trisha "Lightning"
Prescott Newlywed
"Although no one can go back and
make a brand new start,
Anyone can start from now and
make a brand new ending."