I've noticed the changes too. The bottom of each page now lists the time it
was last generated, the render method, the last update, the last cache visit
and who approved it. My name now shows up as "Team Scotti (jscotti)" which
is my team name first and geocaching.com username in parenthesis. You should
be able to change those in your profile as your username and your display
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Brent Milner wrote:
> One thing I noticed on geocaching.com, my name shows up as "Q-Tip (FroBro
> Q-Tip)" now. It used to be just "FroBro Q-Tip." I'm searching for an
> explanation to this on the site.
> -FroBro Q-Tip
Jim Scotti
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory jscotti@pirl.lpl.arizona.edu
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~jscotti/