This cartoon, which appeared in the Republic on Saturday, says it all.
"Team Tierra Buena" <> wrote:
> The "Republic" has finally published a follow-up story, on Page One...
> of the "Local" section. Still talking about the "...18 known caches on
> or near archaeological sites..." without mentioning that many of them
> are virtual caches.
> But it's a step in the right direction. Mr. Hubbell talks about adopting
> rules and obtaining permission, both of which I favor. I just hope that
> when people seek permission that it will be granted from time to time,
> unlike the experience I had with another parks agency and which I have
> mentioned in an earlier posting. I'm also concerned about the county's
> request that caches be placed within three feet of trails. Isn't there
> some way that hiders and the park staff could jointly monitor the impact
> of placing a cache in a particular location, rather than coming up with
> an arbitrary restriction? With permissions (permits? Fine, IMO) being
> granted, that shouldn't be difficult.
> Finally, I note the "Republic's" new feature, the Unintentional Irony
> Department: In the same edition, on Page One of the "Living" section,
> there is an article about lightweight backpacks. In that article,
> there's a quote from a guy who is described as, " avid hiker who
> enjoys exploring off-trail routes in the Grand Canyon."
> Steve
> Team Tierra Buena
> "...attracting adventure-seekers but creating panic among
> authorities..."
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