--- Ken Akerman <
ken@highpointer.com> wrote:
> Why are so many geocachers losing their jobs? Is
> there something about the personality or work ethics
> of geocachers that makes them less likely to succeed
> in the business world? Does geocaching impede
> career success? (Perhaps geocachers spend so much
> time looking for caches that they fail to put
> maximum effort into their jobs).
I think that the greater percentage of cachers tend to
work in a field related to high tech. The people who
have said what they did when they were laid off that I
remember were usually network admins, programmers and
engineers. Since many of us tend to be vocal about our
hobby, there may be a perception that we aren't
working as hard as other drones.
I was at a reunion tonight of employees from another
high-tech company and was given anecdotal information.
Suppoedly, the Arizona IT industry has a 23%
unemployment rate.
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