1) How did you get introduced to Geo Caching?
A: I was on a business trip and saw an article in the
USA today.
2) How long have you been a Geo Cacher?
A: Since August 2001
3) What is your present GPS'r?
A: etrex
a) What was your first GPS'r?
A: etrex
b) How many units have you owned?
A: 1, but my wife has been pushing for a second.
c) What unit(s) would you recommend to new
A: The etrex works well as an entry level unit.
4) How long did it take to locate your first cache?
A: 5 minutes (Canal Cache)
5) What has been your most memorable cache?
A: A Grand Undertaking
a) Why?
A: It was the first time we did a puzzle based multi.
6) What has been your least favorite cache?
A: Any by Gafs in Singapore
a) Why?
A: The guy started as an okay hider but now prefers
to be lazy and make a new cache when one goes missing,
which they often do.
7) What factors dictate which cache you go looking
A: Mood. 1/1s are okay but I prefer more clever ones.
The ones farther away need to have some unique quality
before I go looking for them.
8) How many other Geo Cachers have you met while on a
caching hunt?
A: Outside the picnic last year, three teams.
9) Has that meeting changed the way you cache?
A: No
10) When unable to locate a cache how long do you
A: 15-30 minutes depending on the area
a) How many attempts before logging a no-find?
A: If there haven't been other finds recently, 1.
b) Do you contact the cache owner for help?
A: I'm not proud.
c) Do you ask other cachers for help?
A: Haven't had to but I suppose so.
11) When driving around are you tempted to go and look
again at caches you have found before?
A: I will check on a cache that people often complain
is missing when it isn't, like Sparky's, when I'm in
the area.
12) What has been the best trinket in a cache?
A: Anything personal or handmade. I generally don't
pay much attention to the loot though.
13) What has been the worst trinket in a cache?
A: Old golfball
14) Do you leave a signature item?
A: No
a) Are you considering your own?
A: Yes, I just need to get back to the supplier.
b) Who has the most notable?
A: Loran
15) When in a populated area waiting to retrieve a
cache what things do you do to pass the time?
A: Sit and complain about all the people present.
a) While waiting what was the worst thing to have
A: Nothing special
b) What has been the best thing?
A: Nothing special
16) Do you practice Cache in Trash out?
A: Sometimes
What's the one piece of advice you'd want to give to
every Neocacher, so they wouldn't have to learn it the
hard way?
A: Hunt a few 1/1s before doing anythign else. Hunt
at least 5, 10 if you're in Phoenix or Tucson, before
hiding one.
What if you get caught by someone?
A: If alone, I will pretent my GPS is a cell phone or
light meter if people look suspicious.
How the heck do so many of you find soooooo many
caches? I know you work for money, so where do you
find the time?
A: Some of us are unemployed but it's just a matter
of saying "I want to go caching this weekend /
evening". Priorities.
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