Sorry to hear about your mother, but it's always good to dwell on the
positives and it sounds like there were many of those in her 92 years. I
know how soothing a destraction like geocachnig can be when going through
hard times - my wife and I had a miscarriage a couple months ago, and it
really helped me get my mind off of things. This hobby can be very addicting
and I'm sure you'll find your first real cache soon!
We've already talked about the cache, so hopefully you can get out again soon
when the area is clear - hopefully it is still there and undisturbed. I
should be out geocaching too today - Tomorrow will be the first anniversary
of my first geocache find and I only need one more to get to 52 finds in that
year to average exactly one a week. Trouble is, I've found all the easy ones
around town and I don't much have time this weekend to go out on a longer
hunting trip, so unless Scott from My Blue Heaven or someone else down here
hides an easy one soon, I might have trouble getting that 52nd find this
Welcome to our sport, Joanna & hopefully we'll see you out and about
Jim Scotti
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA