There is in fact a locationless cache (GC66CD) created by none other
than CC Cooper Agency, which is looking for "finds" of the twelve
Madonnas of the Trail that are scattered about the US. I know it's a
long shot, but is it possible this is how the guy in Missouri thinks he
claims a "find" for that cache?
I ask this because there are at least ten active caches for NGS
benchmarks, including one here in Arizona that Team Blunder created
before benchmarks became a separate category. But none of those have
been deactivated by Galactic HQ.
Finally, have any of you:
A) Tried to contact "brettd" (the owner of this cache)
B) Contacted to bring it to their attention
C) Both
Just wondering. I've done neither, but I only just read the thread. I'm
thinking over what, if anything, to do about it.
Team Tierra Buena