Team Arrowhead has added a log to your cache (San Juan Overlook). You can visit the cache at the following link:
Thanks to Team Arrowhead for making the hike out to San Juan Overlook and finding the cache. This confirms that the cache is still in place. I was concerned about it because it hadn't been found in over eight weeks, and at least two attempted finders reported that they could not find it. I prepared another cache on Saturday that I was planning to bring to the site on Sunday to replace it if it was missing. However, since it is found, the urgency to go out and check it has passed.
I will be moving to a new house next weekend, so my rate of cache findings may slow down for a while. However, I expect to pick up the pace in summer, and I look forward to making numerous trips to the high country to find caches in cooler climates. (Hopefully the fire hazards will subside).
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