I think the safe thing is to assume that "local" is
the Phoenix area, simply because most of the active
list participants are from there. As you spend time on
the list, you notice where people tend to hunt. Their
comments and complaints "Can we get some over on the
west side, I'm tired of driving across town" usually
gives clues as well.
Anyway, welcome to our disfunctional community.
--- "Edward C. Wittke" <
ewittke@u.arizona.edu> wrote:
> The point isn't specifically kmart, but what you all
> consider "local". I
> didn't mean to flame anyone, I just wanted people to
> be more specific when
> sending a message to a listserve that reaches out to
> many folks meant for
> all of Arizona.
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Mother's Day is May 12th!