OH MY.... ALERT THE MEDIA!!! :-)~~~~
(heh heh heh).....I can still be first!!!!!
Probably NOT.....just kidding, Larry.....actually, I am glad you got up here
to enjoy Lincoln's "sevens" (wasn't the bald eagle so cool??) And sorry you
worked so hard on the Seven and didn't find it. Can't help you there....I
only have 2 clues.
I have done the 2 easier ones (one and five) but due to medical reasons, it
is very difficult for me to do much hiking, very often (remember my carpal
tunnel surgery last fall? I also have tarsal tunnel syndrome (same idea, in
the feet) and peripheral neuropathy in my feet). Even "one of seven" put me
out (feet-wise) for a couple days after the hike and scramble....I hate the
idea that I have to "stay off my feet" (Dr's suggestion) after being so
active when I was younger, so I just do the best I can with caching and
enjoy reading about everyone else's exploits!
That's why it is such a "BIG" deal (ha ha) for me to get to 30 caches, much
less 100 or even your soon-to-be 300!!!! Time, and desire, I have. Physical
ability .....well....everyone has to deal with their own situations.
I look forward to your 300....and to everyone else's accomplishments, and I
can't wait to see if you actually can find Seven!
take care,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Farquhar, Larry" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Seven of Seven cache - No Find log
> Here's my log for a "No Find" from this past weekend. There's no cache web
> page to log it, so I'll log it here. We were in Prescott and found the One
> through Six of Seven caches. We're 99.9% sure we have the correct
> coordinates for the Seventh (final) cache and went hunting for it. WOW!
> was an adventure!
> I saw two routes to the cache, and approached from the East. This was a
> rarely used 4WD trail that had some good (challenging) sections. We had to
> bushwhack 1/4 mile to the cache site. This was dense, close, scrub brush
> which made going extremely tough (uphill, of course). My arms look like
> meat now. Normally, cache's are on the Top of hills. We got to the top,
> had to go back down a ravine. 4 of us looked around for 45 minutes and
> couldn't find it. We had already spent 3 hours getting to this point, and
> was going to get dark soon. We finally gave up and worked our way back to
> the Jeep. I drove out the West, as I didn't want to attempt going back the
> way we came in since it was getting late and didn't have another Jeep with
> us. Luckily, this route was much easier (but longer). We got out okay, but
> were disappointed for not finding the Seven of Seven cache after working
> hard on it.
> I've Emailed Lincoln to verify what we did wrong. Oh well... It was still
> fun.
> Larry Farquhar
> Team "Wyle E"
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