I also play on another geocaching site..... found this one that sound like
it was made for larry
Saguaro Vista
by coyote1022
Locality: Saguaro Lake, Arizona
Country: United States
Date Hidden: 13-Jan-02
Waypoint Ref: GW60 Latitude: 33° 33.5380' N
Longitude: 111° 31.2930' W
UTM: 12 S 451588 mE 13713378 mN
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Sketch Map - by Xerox PARC
Difficulty: 3
Terrain: 3 Rating: Not Rated
Visits: Not Visited
This cache is located at Saguaro Lake and you will need a way to get to the
other side of the lake. You will have a short but steep climb once on the
other side.
To hide this cache we took Gene and Joyce's sailing vessel, the "Puffin" and
dropped anchor in a cove across the lake from Butcher Jones. Gene and Joyce
stayed aboard the "Puffin" while Darlene and I took a dinghy to shore at
waypoint 33:33.560N / 111:31.266W. From the shore line we hiked up the
barren rock to waypoint 33:33.543N / 111:31.287W. From there you will have
to zig-zag thru the brush to get to the location of the cache.
Contents of this cache are in a standard OD Green ammo can.
Contents are:
Log book with ball point pen, Coyote Postcard, Wile E. Coyote Cup, Wile E.
Coyote Toy Figure with Dynamite, Light Stick from Makeout Mountain Cache,
Braided Keyfob, Hacky Sack, Moose Figurine, Baby TAZ, Penquin Cup, Small
Swish Army Knife (Hitachi Power Tools), Stocking Stumpers Joke Book, Go Army
Lanyard, NCAA Final Four Ball Cap (Mountain Dew), Book of Edgewater matches,
Gold Plated Cadillac Key Blanks (4)
This cache has some kind of a critter for a neighbor. Please try not to
disturb his home when removing or replacing the rocks covering the cache.
Logged Visits:
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There have been no logged visits so far.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Trisha Radley" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Bald Eagles
> Hi all,
> If any of you are bird fanciers, you need to come up to Prescott and take
> advantage of Lincoln's "Five of Seven" virtual (?) cache....we have a
> nesting pair (and possibly just hatched) of the eagles up on Lynx Lake. I
> just returned from there, where the nest watchers have spotting scopes set
> up and you can see the nest (and I saw the female, today)....it is really
> neat sight!!!!
> Check out the cache page "Five of Seven" Waypoint GC39CD, ID # 14797
> Thanks Lincoln, for pointing out the nesting eagles and letting me see
> wonderful sight (and log a find!)
> Trisha "Lightning"
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