I think this would just add to Larry's counts. I too was not specific about
our "Luminous Larry" travel bug. His initial goal was to be picked up by
"Wyle E" (Larry) and taken for a ride in the famous yellow Jeep. He's now
in New Jersey and has traveled 2292.7 miles. Are there yellow Jeeps in New
Jersey? Oh well, I plan on having a Wyle E goodwill ambassador in my
custody this weekend. This could be fun. ;-)
Cody (TEAM CBX2)
-----Original Message-----
srdrake@srpnet.com [
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 8:57 AM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Re: A suggestion about Courage's instructions
Great suggestions. Obviously once Courage leaves Arizona people will
be less familiar with his purpose. Here's a brief summary of what someone
will see when they find Courage:
It's in a tupperware container and the top states "Courage" and gives
the website address. Inside is a logbook, a beanie baby, two fire
department patches, and KenH's cashiers check. And there's also a yellow
sticky note where n4/c left a note. The beanie baby does have one of the
aluminum traveller dogtags that can be purchased for travellers. I'm going
on memory because it's in the trunk of my car at the moment. I don't
remember there being any specific instructions on Courage's purpose that are
obvious to someone who randomly finds it with a cache. There may be
instructions written in the logbook or on a piece of paper somewhere inside
the cache.
I like your idea about a laminated luggage tag. Some sort of
instructions that simply say "Move me towards NYC for the New York Police &
Fire Widows' & Children's Fund" would help assure that confusion doesn't
arise from someone who sees it as a regular traveller and takes it to Los
Angeles. My schedule doesn't allow me to do this today. As it appears that
people want to hold Courage hostage in the Phoenix area for quite awhile
longer, hopefully someone else can do this.
I see nothing wrong with a Wyle E traveller or Wyle E himself ending
up in South Dakota. Perhaps if we can get him out of the state for 6
months, the rest of us will have an opportunity to catch up with the number
of AZ caches he's done. Can a person become a traveller?
>I haven't seen Courage so I don't know what 'luggage' he carries, but
>here is something to think about.
>If Courage doesn't already have a sturdy tag attached to him that has
>his special instructions on it, you might want to attach one before you
>When I created the special Wyle E traveler I didn't do this. My
>instructions on the web site said he was to stay in Arizona. However,
>those instructions weren't attached to the traveler, someone picked him
>up in Tucson and he ended up in South Dakota before the person saw the
>web site.
>I've picked up travelers in the past with all kinds of special
>Many times the instructions have gotten wet and are almost unreadable.
>Now when I create a traveler with special instructions, I print them on
>some business card paper and have it laminated into a luggage tag that
>I attach to the traveler with the travel bug. You can go to any
>Staples to have a business card laminated into a luggage tag for about
>a $1. What else can you get for a $1 besides a phone call?
>Keep on caching,
>Team Cache-Quest
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