I had faith in you. I had read elsewhere that the way Jeremy displays dates
for current year was causing someone else problems also.
Thanks for the hard work. Just what you wanted to do on New Year's day -
Larry Farquhar
Team "Wyle E"
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Cluff [
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Happy New Year!!! First Post!!!
> Not to dampen your New Year achievement, but is there a Y2002 bug in
> your stats page? Everything shows up as archived, wrong dates (year),
> and more. I wanted to go see what cache you found right after
> midnight. Or maybe it's just doing some maintenance right now?
Short Version:
All Fixed :)
Long Version:
Well, I got to dive into part of the code that I had never seen before....
Jason's go out and get the stuff of the official site code. Anyway, what it
boiled down to is the way Jeremy displays dates on the cache pages which is,
if it was logged in the year that we are in don't display the year,
otherwise, display it. Since the way the site currently works is to grab all
the live pages and update from scratch every time when it got to the
archived ones it parsed them as usual, but since they were all pulled last
year they weren't showing the year for any of the dates, so the code assumed
the current year and wrote everything as 2002. ...so with a Y2ANY bug in
place I decided to get around to writing the "Craw pages that you have to be
logged in for" code.... so now we can be up to date with people logging
archived caches (I don't know why this happens as often as it does), and get
rid of the "out of state" cache stat being wrong. I'll probably only have it
update the archived ones every few days though, so we arent beating up the
official site grabbing caches that arent changing.
Brian Cluff
Team Snaptek
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