[Az-Geocaching] BLM Policy - Text Edition

Team Tierra Buena listserv@azgeocaching.com
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 22:13:31 -0700

> Our server is down today... So not a lot of work getting done.  Here is 
> the text version of the BLM policy with one skipped portion that 
> defines geocaching.

Thanks, Mike!
Team Tierra Buena

TO: All Washington Office and Field Officials
From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning
Subject: Geocaching Activities on BLM Public Lands

Program Area: Permits for Recreation on Public Lands

Purpose: This Instruction Manual (IM) provides general guidance for 
geocaching activities on BLM managed public lands.

Background:  --- SKIPPING A PORTION... We know what Geocaching is ----

Geocaching provides and opportunity to hone orienteering skills, 
provides the opportunity to get outdoors, and it can be a wholesome 
family activity.  It can also be conducted with minimal impact to the 
environment when conscientious land use ethics are follows.  Even 
though geocaching appears to be an acceptable activity on BLM managed 
land, it is an activity that would only be welcome in the appropriate 

POLICY/ACTION: A special recreation permit (SRP) is not required if the 
geocaching activity complies with casual use conditions.  The following 
conditions apply to cause use: the activity is not a commercial 
endeavor, the activity complies with land use decisions and 
designations, (i.e. special area designations and wilderness interim 
management policy), and it does not award cash prizes, is not publicly 
advertised, poses minimal risk for damage to public land or related 
water resource values, and generally requires no monitoring.  If you 
determine the use to be casual but have some concern about the use, 
such as, placing the caches in Congressionally designated wilderness or 
wilderness study areas, at cultural resource sites, at areas with 
threatened or endangered species, or any other special fragile area, it 
would be appropriate to issue a letter of authorization with special 
stipulations attached that would address those concerns.

If the geocaching activity or event does not meet the above conditions, 
the event should be treated as any other organized recreational group 
or competitive activity or event for which BLM would require the event 
organizer to obtain and SRP.

The BLM believes that geocaching is an appropriate casual user of 
public land. But as use increases or becomes a management issue in a 
particular area, the following minimum steps should be taken: 1) Try to 
locate a person or group that is responsible for the cache and have 
them register the cache with the BLM.  Make sure the cache is safe and 
environmentally sound, 2) prepare an environmental assessment or other 
appropriate National Environmental Protection Act document, 3) issue a 
letter of authorization or SRP with special stipulations to mitigate 
concerns, 4) if sites are not registered within a reasonable amount of 
time after notification, then the cache should be removed from public 
land, normally, the cache would be determined to be abandoned property 
after 72 hours unless the appropriate authorization has been obtained, 
5) monitor the use to assess public health and safety and environmental 
protection issues, 6) if the activity/sport becomes too large and 
begins to conflict with other authorized use, appropriate steps should 
be taken to properly manage the activity.

TIME FRAME: This IM is effective upon receipt.

BUDGET IMPACT: This IM establishes general guidance on managing 
geocaching activities.  It is expected that most of the activity would 
be treated as casual use on BLM managed public land, which would not 
require the issuance of a permit thus lessening the recreation permit 
workload.  Therefore, the impact on the budget should be minimal.

MANUAL/HANDBOOK: This policy is in conformance with the new 2930-1 
manual and handbook.

I am certain that we are all pleased that this IM is in conformance 
with 2930-1.  :)

-- Mike

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