[Az-Geocaching] Arizona Geocaching has Lost a Pioneer
vicki wright
azvlynnw at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 16 15:33:09 CDT 2011
thanks Terry -- he always complained that people on geocaching.com wanted to be
his "friend" and he would say "I don't want to go out with anyone, I like going
geocaching alone". BUT I know he would be touched at how many have been
saddened to hear that he's not around to play any more...thanks again...
From: wogun1 <wogun1 at cox.net>
To: listserv at azgeocaching.com
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 12:53:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Arizona Geocaching has Lost a Pioneer
Oh my. Azvicki, your dad was one of those geocachers I was referring to—we
found so many of his caches and always loved seeing them pop up on our GPS. We
could feel his love for the game through his prolific hides.
I am so sorry for you loss.
From:az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com
[mailto:az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com] On Behalf Of vicki
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 8:53 AM
To: listserv at azgeocaching.com
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Arizona Geocaching has Lost a Pioneer
so sorry to hear the sad news. My dad, dazon, passed away on January 31 and I
can tell you that geocaching was his life the last few years...so I can
truly thank those who came before who made the game so fun for dazon.
From:carol herrick <zoiestar1 at yahoo.com>
To: listserv at azgeocaching.com
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 8:30:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Arizona Geocaching has Lost a Pioneer
Saddened of his passing. Thanks for sharing the news.
--- On Sun, 3/13/11, Brian Cluff <brian at snaptek.com> wrote:
From: Brian Cluff <brian at snaptek.com>
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Arizona Geocaching has Lost a Pioneer
To: listserv at azgeocaching.com
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011, 10:33 PM
This is truly sad news. Like Steve wrote there are few people that I can think
of that have contributed more to Geocaching in Arizona and arguably the world if
you consider that he came up with the idea for the travel bug. This is the man
that we, Team Snaptek, chased trying to find the most caches back when there
were only enough caches to count on one hand.
We had an ongoing friendly rivalry with him because he hid the second cache in
Arizona even though technically speaking the second cache in Arizona was
physically hidden first by Team Snaptek, but due to driving time from New River
compared to Page Bob was able to log his first claiming the spot, beating us by
only an hour or so.
He was a great man that I would always seek out and enjoyed talking with
whenever I had a chance.
Bob will be truly missed,
Brian Cluff
Team Snaptek
On 03/13/2011 08:18 PM, Tonio Kroger wrote:
> Judi and I learned this evening that Bob Renner, GCB0B
> passed away yesterday after a yearlong battle with pancreatic cancer.
> Bob was a true pioneer of Arizona caching. At the Deer Valley Ten Year
> Event Cache <http://coord.info/GC26AXC> last May, when they did the
> countdown of who had been caching the longest, Bob (who can be seen in
> the group photo on that cache page, front row center in the white hat)
> was the "last man standing". Bob placed Arizona'ssecond geocache
> <http://coord.info/GC7B> in October, 2000. It's still active and I can
> speak from experience that it is a worthy and worthwhile challenge.
> Bob made many other contributions to Arizona caching. He created
> Arizona's first event cache <http://coord.info/GC51D> in March 2001. He
> created what is certainly one of the firstmulti-caches
> <http://coord.info/GC51C> in the state, and it is still active today. He
> placed a still-active cache at the bottom of the Grand Canyon
> <http://coord.info/GC5F1>. And his still-active "Box O Books" cache
> (GCB0B <http://coord.info/GCB0B>) is probably the only cache anywhere
> that not only has a GC ID that is an acronym of the cache title, but
> also a GC ID that is identical to the hider's name!
> Bob was a giver. He taught "Introduction to Geocaching" classes at REI,
> and at the Desert Outdoor Center at Lake Pleasant. He introduced
> geocaching to numerous scouts in Boy Scout Troop 824. In 2002-2003, Bob
> served as a liaison between the geocaching community and the Arizona
> State Historical Preservation Office and other land management agencies,
> at a time when those agencies perceived geocaching as a threat to sites
> with archaeological or environmental sensitivity. Were it not for Bob's
> efforts, we might have far fewer acres in the state on which to play our
> little game. And he did all this with calm in the face of stress, humor
> in the face of threats, and thoughtfulness in the face of emotion.
> Geocaching in Arizona would not be the special experience it so often is
> had we not had the good fortune of Bob Renner's participation.
> Bob is survived by his wife, Marion, and two sons. As I write this,
> funeral and memorial plans have not been announced. I will pass along
> any information that I receive.
> Steve
> Team Tierra Buena
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