[Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event

Steven Stringham Steve at stringhams.org
Tue Oct 9 20:50:21 MST 2007

Having thought a bit more (and actually looking at the event #17 site - 
I see that maybe I need to sit down now and shut up... for now.

Brian Casteel wrote:
> Rather than getting into a battle over this, I’ll answer once with 
> what I know and leave it at that.
> There is some backlash to the cost because in the past it was free to 
> attend, and at least in the case of the first HR that I helped 
> organize, very few donations hit the table to even begin to cover the 
> cost of food that was grilled, along with other items and materials 
> used to create the HR environment. Subsequent years? I don’t know 
> because I moved to BigSky Country and circumstances haven’t yet worked 
> in my favor to be able to make it down there. I stated last week that 
> if those who are complaining only knew what it cost to put one of 
> these events on, attitudes might change a bit, but so far they haven’t.
> The other backlash as I understand it is due to the fact that this is 
> no longer a Geocacher ONLY event. It was opened up to the masses, 
> presumably for reasons I can understand, but don’t necessarily agree 
> with. Posting on craigslist and azcentral the event information is 
> counter-productive to sentiments regarding the event, which has always 
> been about cachers. Rather than keeping it at the caliber it has 
> always been at, perhaps it could have been scaled back instead, or 
> simply not posted to those sites that turned this into a perceived 
> commercial cache. While opening it up to the masses is a way to bring 
> new cachers into the fold, I don’t agree with the way it was done.
> But seriously though. The folks taking (in some cases repeated) shots 
> really need to grow up and perhaps take the time to understand why 
> there is now a cost to attend, whereas in the past there was not.
> Personally, I think mistakes were made on both sides of this. First, 
> by turning it ‘commercial’ by publishing information about outside of 
> gc.com, and then those who reverted back to 4^th grade immaturity in 
> their stabs at the turn of events.
> Unless there are some changes (not sure what or how exactly), I 
> suspect that this year will be the final HR.
> Brian
> Team A.I.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com 
> [mailto:az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.com] *On Behalf Of 
> *ShadowAce
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:02 AM
> *To:* listserv at azgeocaching.com
> *Subject:* [Az-Geocaching] Er? Halloween RadioActive Event
> I received an email from a friend saying they were glad to see that 
> Team Evil Fish helped Tamo get a listing for Halloween RadioActive.
> I then asked what they were referring to and they said ..
> IamHungryFish: Geolizing Event #17 by Team Evil Fish GC16FHA is the 
> listed cache for people to get a 'smiley' for attending Halloween 
> RadioActive.
> I had to inform them that the event by evil fish is over 27 miles away 
> as a crow flies and begins 2 hours after the HRA event.
> Now I am seeing all sorts of logs on the cache within a business 
> called Someburros' is getting all sorts of notes that seem to be 
> taking an attack at the Halloween RadioActive event. Am I missing some 
> joke by Phoenix cachers down here in the southern parts? Or do people 
> really think the HRA gatherings are that much of a waste of time?
> I am asking because we (my family) are putting in a lot of time again 
> this year to ensure everyone has fun and we are trying to 'out do' 
> what we have done in the past. Is this really something that 
> geocachers are upset about?
> Maybe I am just confused, but logs such as:
> 'Oh great! A real event. I will be there with WhirledCache.'
> and
> ' Wow, you sure this isn't a typo? You know, it's funny, I didn't see 
> a $20 admission charge here. I don't even need to 'pre-register'. Or 
> would that be 'FREE-register'? Well, I happen to be FREE that day, and 
> since you are considerate enough to make this a FREE event for the 
> Geocaching Community, I'll feel FREE to show up!
> Looking forward to a REAL Halloween Event!
> Thanks, Evil(FREE)Fish!'
> seem to be pretty direct attacks on Tamo for all the work he and his 
> family put into this.
> Is this what geocaching is now about? I keep hearing about how 
> friendly and supportive the geocaching community is but then we see 
> things like this and have to wonder what happened that we are not 
> hearing about. Would any of the Phoenix cachers care to let others 
> know what is happening?
> Thank you
> -Dirk/ShadowAce
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