[Az-Geocaching] New changes at Groundspeak
azcachemeister at getnet.com
Wed May 17 16:50:43 MST 2006
Yes, I heard about the new TB/Geocion log option just _/*AFTER*/_ I had
emptied out a certain cacher's secret stash-cache. Of course, since the
secret cache is an unapproved storage-only cache, I couldn't put them
back! :'( Now I have one of them stuck /forgotten in my
inventory....maybe I should drop it in Antarctica or something?
Although I have no intention of changing my username...(what could be
better than AZcachemeister?)...I do wonder what new features will be
available due to the new database format? Perhaps the site will be
quicker and more responsive?
ShadowAce wrote:
> For those, like myself, who avoid the forums I noticed these two today
> and thought I would share:
> ------------ Regarding TB Logging ------------------
> Lately there has been an increase in logging activity for Travel Bugs
> and Geocoins. Unfortunately many people were picking up and dropping
> these items into the same geocache so they could increase their find
> count or receive a new trackable icon in their profile. As a result we
> have created a new log type which also goes towards your profile count
> without causing unnecessary extra movements for the trackable item.
> The new log type is called "Discovered it" and can be used if you have
> the tracking number for the icon. Please use this if you have no plans
> to move the Travel Bug or geocoin to a new location.
> ------------ Regarding the changing of Names ---------------
> We're working on customizing an application for use with
> Geocaching.com <http://Geocaching.com>that will require us to lock
> down the ability to change your username. As a result on May 15th we
> will be locking down the username change feature on the web site.
> The technical issue relates to a fundimental part of their application
> that stores usernames in the database outside of the account data.
> This means that if we did make username changes in our account
> database it would require a tremendous effort to automatically update
> the other system with the username change.
> Generally sites don't allow name changes like we've been allowing over
> the last 5 years, so we're moving towards the generally accepted
> standard for most web sites. It's an unfortunate change but necessary
> considering the importance of the new features.
> For those who just can't live without changing their usernames we'll
> do our best to come up with some tools to move your information over
> to a new username. You can already do adoptions
> <http://www.geocaching.com/adopt> to your new account but there is no
> current way to move other information like bookmark lists, premium
> memberships, or log entries.
> The lockdown has been changed to May 20, so you have a few more days
> to get your name changes in.
> ---------------------------
> That is all I have. :)
> ShadowAce
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