[Az-Geocaching] Quality of cache trinkets....

barry.neely at prudential.com barry.neely at prudential.com
Thu Jan 20 17:32:18 MST 2005

The only thing that could have made it better is if we could have camped
the night. I bet the stars would have been out of this world...

              Scott Wood <scott at myblueheaven.com>                                                                                              
                                                                  To:                                         listserv at azgeocaching.com        
              Sent by:                                            cc:                                                                          
              az-geocaching-bounces at listserv.azgeocaching.        Subject:   RE: [Az-Geocaching] Quality of cache trinkets....                 
              Thursday January 20, 2005 05:28 PM                                                                                               
              Please respond to listserv                                                                                                       

At 04:12 PM 1/20/2005, you wrote:
>Don't know about a cold beer, but we did find a small bottle of whiskey in
>a cache out near Yuma...GCBA27.  It was unopened when we found it and
>there was significantly less when we all left ;)
>Two years ago yesterday...Anyone else have fond memories of that trip?!?

Very fond memories.  Infact, I was just reading all the logs from that trip
the other night.  That was simply the best geocaching event/trip we have
ever made.  I really hope we can pull something like that off again.

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