[Az-Geocaching] ShadowAce

Trisha Brasher trisha at brasher.com
Thu Dec 22 09:20:32 MST 2005

Dirk and I have been 'buddies' ever since the Prescott Event. One of the nicest guys (and family) I have ever met.

Here is Wisdom: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because Those who mind don't matter, and Those who matter don't mind."
~~~~~~~~~~~(Dr. Seuss)

(One might add - say what you feel ..... as long as it isn't hurtful, to yourself or others.)

Merry Christ-mas everyone!

Trisha ~ Lightning
Prescott Valley

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert & Linda Smith" <Lrsmith at cableone.net>
To: listserv at azgeocaching.com
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Artemis
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 20:03:16 -0700

> May I jump in here and say that I too, have met Shadow Ace and his 
> family.  Nicer people will never come my way for a long time.  I 
> don't believe for one second, any of the trash that has been said 
> about him, his family or his Geocaching powers.  I love his logs 
> and logic.  I wish I had his ability to figure out some of the 
> puzzles that I have looked at.
> May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
> Bob and Linda Smith,  Team Petite Elite, Prescott

"Lightning" ~ geocacher
Prescott Valley, AZ
"I haven't lost my mind, I just can't find the waypoint."

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