[Az-Geocaching] Artemis

Guthrini guthrini at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 21 12:12:18 MST 2005

Time to unveil Artemis:

Clue 1:  He went to the last Yuma event; no
caches approved that weekend.

Clue 2:  He went to Corcoran Campout from
Saturday evening to Sunday evening; no caches
approved then.

Clue 3:  He went on a geocahing vacation to
northern California this summer; Joy Division
approved caches then.

Clue 4:  He finds unique ways to solve puzzle
caches since he already has the answers.  See the
"." by Team Dodge Podge.

Clue 5:  He and Artemis use same phrases in
previous postings:  misuse of "there" and "pump
the numbers".

Answer:  Shadow Ace

Oh, a man?
That's right.  Hope he is not going to hide
behind his wife's skirt and say he knows nothing
about what she is doing.  The guy is a fraud who
continues to find puzzle caches and FTF's.  What
a cheat.

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