[Az-Geocaching] Rattlesnakes
Mon, 24 May 2004 15:48:01 -0700 (PDT)
I think Azcachemeister placed that snake there to
guard the cache and to give us all a different
--- SquishyGecko <squishygecko@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well that was fun. I went, I saw my first
> rattlesnake, I came home. During
> the drive out there I was thinking about rattlesnake
> recipes. During the
> drive back the snake was undoubtedly thinking about
> gecko recipes. I'd like
> to say I came away from this episode without injury,
> but unfortunately when
> I mentioned to the other half that we should take
> the kids out there to
> distract the snake, she hit me with a shoe.
> Thanks everyone for educating this urban gecko about
> desert creatures. :-)
> ---
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