[Az-Geocaching] I'm Heading East - follow up

Mark Heitowit listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sat, 15 May 2004 13:54:28 -0700

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Tamo can already claim the Mine's smallest (cache, that is).

Magical Memories

Brian - Team A.I. wrote:

>On the subject of Mine's Bigger and Mine's Biggest!, I had thoughts about
>placing the anti-version of that cache titled Mine's Smallest!, but the
>negative connotations of such a cache kept me from following through with
>it.  ;p
>Team A.I.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "HighwayHavoc" <highwayhavoc@yahoo.com>
>To: <listserv@azgeocaching.com>
>Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:51 AM
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] I'm Heading East - follow up
>>OK, hereâ?Ts the deal from my end of the rope...
>>I stopped by the Mineâ?Ts Bigger cache one afternoon after school,
>>looked inside and saw all those TBâ?Ts, but thought it would be cool
>>to go back with the kids. Like an idiot, I didnâ?Tt even sign the log
>>while I was there.
>>Between work, final exams and presentations at school, and preparing
>>for my trip to Georgia, I havenâ?Tt kept tabs on whatâ?Ts been
>>happening in the caching world. With utmost humility, I apologize to
>>Brian - Team A.I. for not responding to your posts concerning the
>>TBâ?Ts! I feel pretty bad about starting a thread and then not
>>following up with it.
>>Now my day of departure has arrived. Before skipping out of town this
>>morning, I jumped onto this electronic computing device to try and
>>catch up on the latest news. In trying to find the â?oMINEâ?TS
>>BIGGERâ?? cache, I saw that the cache had been archived. Aagh!
>>Fortunately, my wanderings around the keyboard took me to the â?oNO,
>>MINES THE BIGGEST!....(Hello Again)â?? cache. Sweet Jiminies! My poor
>>wife, who is not altogether fond of caching (even though she can
>>sniff those things out like no one I know), agreed to drive me out to
>>pick up the TBâ?Ts that were placed for my pick up. Huge bonus points
>>for spouses!
>>I picked up three TBâ?Ts, namely: Hacksaws 32 Ford Hot Rod, Law &
>>Order, and teresa bug. Brian, you had requested that I pick up Ilio
>>Travelbug, but I did not see it in the cache. I did see in the
>>logbook an entry by Highpointer to the effect that he had picked up a
>>brown dog. The Ilio TB happens to be a brown dog, yet this TB is
>>still listed as being in place at the cache. Are they one and the
>>same? If they are, I find it odd that the cacher who is such a
>>fanatic about following instructions did not, in this case, follow
>>instructions. If they are not the same, ?Que pasó?
>>With all that being said, Iâ?Tm jumping in the car and spinning my
>>wheels. Iâ?Tll be back in four months. Until then, Ciao!
>>Mark A. Pedersen
>>Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run, he hates that!
>>Do you Yahoo!?
>>SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.
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>>Arizona's Geocaching Resource
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Tamo can already claim the Mine's smallest (cache, that is).<br>
Magical Memories<br>
Brian - Team A.I. wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
  <pre wrap="">On the subject of Mine's Bigger and Mine's Biggest!, I had thoughts about
placing the anti-version of that cache titled Mine's Smallest!, but the
negative connotations of such a cache kept me from following through with
it.  ;p

Team A.I.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "HighwayHavoc" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:highwayhavoc@yahoo.com">&lt;highwayhavoc@yahoo.com&gt;</a>
To: <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:listserv@azgeocaching.com">&lt;listserv@azgeocaching.com&gt;</a>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:51 AM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] I'm Heading East - follow up

  <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">OK, here&acirc;?Ts the deal from my end of the rope...

I stopped by the Mine&acirc;?Ts Bigger cache one afternoon after school,
looked inside and saw all those TB&acirc;?Ts, but thought it would be cool
to go back with the kids. Like an idiot, I didn&acirc;?Tt even sign the log
while I was there.

Between work, final exams and presentations at school, and preparing
for my trip to Georgia, I haven&acirc;?Tt kept tabs on what&acirc;?Ts been
happening in the caching world. With utmost humility, I apologize to
Brian - Team A.I. for not responding to your posts concerning the
TB&acirc;?Ts! I feel pretty bad about starting a thread and then not
following up with it.

Now my day of departure has arrived. Before skipping out of town this
morning, I jumped onto this electronic computing device to try and
catch up on the latest news. In trying to find the &acirc;?oMINE&acirc;?TS
BIGGER&acirc;?&#157; cache, I saw that the cache had been archived. Aagh!
Fortunately, my wanderings around the keyboard took me to the &acirc;?oNO,
MINES THE BIGGEST!....(Hello Again)&acirc;?&#157; cache. Sweet Jiminies! My poor
wife, who is not altogether fond of caching (even though she can
sniff those things out like no one I know), agreed to drive me out to
pick up the TB&acirc;?Ts that were placed for my pick up. Huge bonus points
for spouses!

I picked up three TB&acirc;?Ts, namely: Hacksaws 32 Ford Hot Rod, Law &amp;
Order, and teresa bug. Brian, you had requested that I pick up Ilio
Travelbug, but I did not see it in the cache. I did see in the
logbook an entry by Highpointer to the effect that he had picked up a
brown dog. The Ilio TB happens to be a brown dog, yet this TB is
still listed as being in place at the cache. Are they one and the
same? If they are, I find it odd that the cacher who is such a
fanatic about following instructions did not, in this case, follow
instructions. If they are not the same, ?Que pas&Atilde;&sup3;?

With all that being said, I&acirc;?Tm jumping in the car and spinning my
wheels. I&acirc;?Tll be back in four months. Until then, Ciao!

Mark A. Pedersen

Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run, he hates that!

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Arizona's Geocaching Resource
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  <pre wrap=""><!---->

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