[Az-Geocaching] GPS in the Army

HighwayHavoc listserv@azgeocaching.com
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 07:22:38 -0800 (PST)

This struck me as funny.

Last year I introduced a geologist to geocaching,
using his gov't issue gps. That trinket has an
accuracy of 1cm x 2cm (I forget which is vert/horiz),
and runs about $10k. I remember thinking at the time
how much I wanted one of those, and now I'm reading
about Army folks who prefer the OTS models

I'm reminded of something my father used to say: "The
grass is greener on the other side, until you get
there and discover it's really astroturf'.

Mark A. Pederson

--- Team Tierra Buena <teamtierrabuena@earthlink.net>
> They
> showed a picture of a bazillion-dollar mil-spec GPS.
> Then the narrator
> stated that the soldiers prefer to use consumer
> models as they are far
> lighter and consume batteries much more slowly,
> while the film showed a
> soldier using a clearly-labeled Garmin Vista to do
> the waypoint
> projection.

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