[Az-Geocaching] fire
Sun, 19 May 2002 12:41:56 -0700 (PDT)
Do you know for sure that your 2/7 cache is ok? I know the west flank
of the fire was over by Woolerton, but not sure how far past.
I had aerial satellite photos to work with during the operation
(sounds really cool and fancy, but it is standard) but I did not get
the most updated info on where the fire was on that side, since we
were mostly concerned with the inhabited areas and the evac/roadblocks
etc. But I did think of us standing at your 2/7 cache that day, I
could even ID the exact peak on the photo!
You may need to wait a couple weeks to go and physically check, or
even longer if they close the forest.
On Fri, 17 May 2002, Ken Henson wrote
> >In order to make this post related to Geocaching, I'm wondering how
> >caches were in locations affected by the
> >D=8821>fire?
> Are there any caches that are known or likely to be consumed by the
> Quartz Mountain Cache
> by Yavapai Co. Jeep Posse~ Rich (#1967)
> ALERT! The cache no longer exists, whether by act of nature or other
> circumstance.
> This cache had been archived before the fire.
> As reported by Lightning "Yup, Quartz Mtn is not only archived, it
is toast."
> The next closest cache is:
> 2/3/2002
> 0.96mi W "Two of Seven" by Lincoln (GC376F)
> (Arizona) last found 4/3/2002
> This area did not burn... Yet. Hopefully, it will not.
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