[Az-Geocaching] Re: More on abandoned Caches
Scott Wood
Thu, 16 May 2002 16:04:41 -0700
At 02:55 PM 5/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Anyways, I think Mike brings up a good point. Perhaps Jeremy I. Should
>consider requiring a cacher to log in to their geocaching.com account at
>least once every 30 days (or 60 days perhaps). This to keep their account
>active. If they dont, then their account is deleted and their caches are
>automatically archived.
Perhaps, but I think I would add one thing. If a cache has been found in
those 30 or 60 days I don't think I would automatically archive them. If a
cache is still in good shape, and the owner has gotten out of the hobby I
don't think that the cache should go away.
>Does this seem realistic? Any thoughts on this? I think it seems like a
>good idea.
I can only speak for the caches that I have found, and for those here in
the Tucson area, but I don't really see the problem that others seem to
think exist.
>2:)It will simply help active cachers know that the caches that are out
>there are likely current and being kept up by the cache owners.
But doesn't the cache logs do the same thing? There have been caches down
here that I have read the logs for and took the items that the last finder
said that the cache needed. I have also found caches that needed maint.
that I couldn't take care of at the time but left a note of it in my find
log and the next finder took care of it. I know that not everyone will do
that, but there are enough active cachers out there that will. My biggest
problem with most cachers is that they don't log their finds. Those logs
are very helpful in decided if a cache should be looked for.
I am not trying to argue with anything that you have said, I just hate
seeing more and more rules in everything.
Team My Blue Heaven