[Az-Geocaching] Not found after 1 1/2 years?
C. Sullivan
Tue, 7 May 2002 14:40:38 +0000 (GMT)
I happened to be rummaging through the azgeocaching.com cache pages and I
stumbled across a couple of interesting anomolies.
One: GC143, Bass Ackwards, has never been logged. It was placed on
December 12, 2000. What are the chances it's still there? Anyone up to
finding out? Bet the Tootsie Roll Pop that's in there is REAL tasty.
Two: I'm still crunching numbers on this one, but it would appear that the
"furthest from civilization" award might go to GC1AC7, Route 666, at least
as far as active caches go. I'd entertain reports of other "middle of
nowhere" candidates.
On that note: any of the more adventurous of you out there up for a
possibly frustrating field trip trying to find some of these "long
lost" caches? Some of them look like real fun trips..