[Az-Geocaching] Ladies Night Out

Bob Renner az-geocaching@listserv.snaptek.com
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:34:08 -0800 (PST)

The way the web page handles event caches is it
uses the "date hidden" as the date of the event.  
Since Ladie's Night Out was "hidden" on 1/7, that's 
the date of the event as far as the web site knows.
It doesn't go into the text to read that the real
date is 1/18.  If Trail Gypsy were to edit the cache
page and change the date hidden to 1/18, then the
cache would reappear on the upcomming events list.


--- "Farquhar, Larry" <larry.farquhar@ipni.com> wrote:
> I'm sure Trail Gypsy will confirm. It still shows up
> as an active cache
> (GC312B). Maybe there's a limit to the number of
> events that show up and it
> got bumped off.


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