[Az-Geocaching] Re: Archived cache
Eric Quinn
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 06:00:36 -0800 (PST)
Your cache, your rules. I would have deleted them as
well. They may have intended to log the trip as a note
and forgot that the default is a find and didn't
change it.
Team Dragon
--- Scott Wood <wood@myblueheaven.com> wrote:
> At 09:51 PM 1/14/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >It's not that easy. I get emails from people
> telling me that such and
> >such a clue is missing. Can I check it for them?
> Then I get emails
> >from people who have driven 200+ miles looking for
> the next clue and let
> I am having a whole new problem with the multi cache
> I put out down here in
> Tucson. So far I have 2 finds and 1 lost log entry.
> The problem is that I
> have had two other find logs that were actually not
> finds. Both log
> entries stated that they found the clue and planned
> on following the clues
> over the next month or so, but still logged the
> cache as a find.
> My real complaint about this is that I have clearly
> stated in the cache
> description that it is not to be logged as a find
> until they reach the
> final location.
> I deleted the logs for both finds, and have not
> received any hate mail yet,
> but...
> In liberty,
> Scott
> wood@myblueheaven.com
> www.myblueheaven.com
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