Fwd: [Az-Geocaching] Cache karma

az-geocaching@listserv.snaptek.com az-geocaching@listserv.snaptek.com
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 23:13:54 EST

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Actually Ed, your post reminds me that I wanted to appeal to Libby to adopt her 'It's a Mushroom' cache.

So Libby - if you're out there and still considering archiving your caches due to time constraints, please consider this. I like that area - it's quirky - and would be more than happy to look after this one as needed. It's the least that I could do in return for your efforts in placing so many.

Let me know what you think.. Thanks!

Mike (n4/c)

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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 18:33:30 -0700

Hey N4/C,

Think we can get Team Puzzel or Wolfb8 to share any of their extra karma.
I'm always in the need for extra karma or so I'm told.

Trail Gypsy

Az-Geocaching mailing list
