[Az-Geocaching] Yup, triple digits, finally!! Now for a little joke.....
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 08:58:09 -0800 (PST)
This is kinda off topic (but short) and not meant to offend smokers
(or anybody) ....now after THAT disclaimer...geez! anyway, it's a
funny story, I think:
I once had a patient (I was a home health nurse) who said she couldn't
afford to buy the patches to quit smoking. When I calculated and
pointed out that she actually spends MORE on the smokes and would SAVE
$$, (and her health) she was NOT impressed.....
Rob, I am still waiting to get my "patch" so I can be an official
Triple-digit CLUB member!!!! (ha ha ha)
Trisha "Lightning"
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, "Team Tierra Buena" wrote:
> > Thanks Steve, and I was also wondering if this "patch"
> > included a step-down method......
> Don't get your hopes up Trisha. I tried the nicotine patch to quit
> smoking. They were no help at all. I smoked two boxes of them the
> day!
> ;=)
> Steve
> Team Tierra Buena
> There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". --
> Barry
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