[Az-Geocaching] geocaching 'stuff'
Scott Nicol
Sun, 01 Dec 2002 12:50:26 -0800
Howdy all,
I am not going to get too into the latest discussions, only want to offer my
thoughts on a few things.
Logging finds: I agree that someone should at least log their find in the
paper logbook. I know that if I went up to my cache a year from now and
found no logs in it (yet 100 cachers have been there) it would be no fun to
hide one. There would be no history/diary to go with that cache. It is the
reading of the logs (adventures) of other cachers' experiences getting to
our cache that would give me the greatest pleasure. We (obviously) placed
our first cache where we did because we knew that not many cachers would go
for it. The few who did met the challenge and realize the feeling of
accomplishment once they get to it. To read of their adventure in the logs
online is a treat and fun to do. So far only two teams have been to our
cache (RTW-1). It may be a month or more before someone else logs our
cache.. but, we are patiently waiting to read of the next adventure. Our
cache went something like a month or two before someone logged the first
find. We were so excited when that first log was posted! :) If they didnt
log.. we would have never known they were there. So, I would like to offer a
suggestion to all those who don't log their finds.. to at least log it in
the paper logbook (even if you don't log it online). As far as logging
online... I am not sure why someone would not, but, whatever the reason..
maybe it's a privacy thing, I don't know. But, I think logging online is
important because it allows others to see the current state of a particular
cache. If there are a few no find logs, then a cacher can take that into
consideration when considering attempting to seek out a cache. That is just
one example. But, whatever floats your boat. This is a hobby and not a
sport, so I beleive that anyone can play the game anyway they choose. Yea, I
stand firm on some of my beliefs on the subject of geocaching, but, again..
however you choose to play the game. Do it for the fun, adventure, whatever
it is about geocaching that gives you pleasure.
Competition and the numbers: I am probably the 'one or two' people that
Brian speaks of that is into the numbers. I think that number is a bit low
though. ;) I can name probably a dozen cachers who do look at the numbers.
However, I beleive each of us who do look at the numbers, only look at them
for what they are and not for the competitiveness that might be created by
them. In geocaching, the numbers are statistics. Not necessarily a position
in a ranking system. I use the numbers for stats. I enjoy keeping track of
my 'numbers'. How many travel bugs I find, how many first finds I can get,
etc, etc. But, those numbers are for my pleasure. That is why Team Snaptek
put these stats up. For each of us whom have an interest in tracking their
geocaching history. I also use the numbers AND my logs as a diary of sorts
of my geocaching history. If azgeocaching.com didn't exist and there were no
numbers and stats.. I can tell you that I would most likely not still be
geocaching. The numbers (read stats) are part of the game for me. Without
them, part of the experience would be lost. Competition? Well, each time
Team Ropingthewind finds a couple/few caches and Team CHUMP seems to find a
few and the difference of caches found between us doesnt change... we each
go for more caches! Competition? Naw! There ain't no competition going on
here! :) LOL (that statement was tongue in cheek, lighten up!). Seriously.
I see no competition in the numbers and rankings. I cache at my own pace. I
own a business and I can go a week or more without finding a cache. Other
times, I might find 20 or more in a week. Just depends on whether I feel
like caching and whether I have the time to cache. As far as the statement
someone said about 'looking down on cachers with less finds'... not at all.
I know I don't. I enjoy meeting other cachers on the trail and enjoy
discussing goecaching with them. They are just another geocacher I meet on
the trail. I have gone out caching (teamed up) with cachers who have maybe
20 or 30 finds to as many as 400 or more finds. Geocachers are geocachers
and the number of cache finds they have means nothing to me. I have met alot
of folks thru geocaching and enjoy the moments spent chatting with them
and/or caching with them. It is all part of the experience.
Not hiding a cache until you have a lot of finds: I agree. You should have a
handful of finds before placing one. This is only to allow you to see some
different ways of hiding caches and the etiquette and rules that should be
followed when hiding one. However, you probably don't have to wait as long
as we did to hide your first cache! :) LOL
The azgeocaching listserver: I think the listserver is a great way to bring
the geocaching community together. Without some sort of venue for us all to
meet and greet, geocaching would not be nearly the fun that it is. It is fun
to finally get to meet someone whom I have emailed and chatted with (thru
the listserver and chat room) when out seeking a cache. To be able to put a
face with a name. When someone posts their thoughts on a subject, they are
stateing their thoughts and opinions. Everyone else is welcome to step up
and express their thoughts on the subject. It should not be in a retalitory
way though (ie: my way is the right way type talk). Opinions are opinions
and not hard facts. If no one spoke their thoughts on certain threads that
appear here, no one would gain anything from this list and it would do
nothing more than take up a bunch of space in your email inbox. It should be
(and I beleive is) a place for productive discussion on the subject of
geocaching. So, if someone doesnt agree with what someone else says about a
specific topic.. feel free to post your thoughts and opinions. But do so in
a way that is not in retaliation. What are you retaliating for? There is no
one right way about anything. Two or more OK ideas can lead to one GREAT
idea and will serve to better geocaching.
Also, I think more folks should log onto the azgeocaching.com chat room. It
is easy to get in on and I don't think I have ever seen a discussion in the
chatroom turn into a battleground. Besides, it is a fun place to 'hang out'
when you are doing work on the computer or something!
Finally, on the discussion of teaming up for doing the El Camino Del Diablo
caches... what is the date(s) being considered? Is it planned as a one day
thing or an overnight camping trip? I would definetly be interested in going
if my schedule allows. However, my schedule will not allow me to plan for it
until a day before it unfortunately (you know the saying: business before
pleasure!). I wonder who long the process is to get a permit? I would
definetly be interested if I am able to make a fairly late decision.
Anyways, take all this with a grain of salt (and hot pepper!) and pass it
on! :) Because, that is all this is... food for thought! :)
Team Ropingthewind
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