Are we the last team using a Geko 201? LOL

From: TeamShack <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:32:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Garmin Colorado 400t

I purchased my 400T back in November and LOVE it.  In comparison to other models, the interface took a little getting used to.  One of the best features on it as far as I am concerned is the ability to customize the user profile to have everything that you normally use, right at your fingertips rather than hunting through endless menus.  I find it to be very accurate very quick and was surprised when I was able to get good accuracy from inside the house.


The paperless geocaching  aspects are fantastic.  When uploading a GPX file you get the description, hint and latest logs.  While you can enter field notes into the unit, I find it too time consuming to turn the little wheel to find each character.  It still records the time and date of the log entry to make it easy to update online when you get home.  When traveling you can download the field notes onto a laptop and then edit them using the text mode of just about any word processing program.  Uploading and posting logs is a breeze.


I have noticed some slowing of the unit when I have more than 2000 caches loaded even on the SD card.  I don’t need to have all those loaded all at once and have found 1000 a happy medium.  If I’m traveling, I have a couple of extra SD cards that I load up with additional cache databases for the particular city.


The only con that I have with it is that battery life is very poor.  I have solved this by purchasing 4 sets of rechargeable lithium ion’s.  One option that would be very beneficial is if it would recharge batteries while plugged into the automotive power cord.


That’s my $385 worth…..  GREAT unit that is hard on batteries!


Scott of TeamShack


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 3:08 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Garmin Colorado 400t


I am wondering if anyone uses the Garmin Colorado 400T and if so, pros?? cons??


DR Webe


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