Since all of the offers posted to the listserv are for an option that doesn't violate any software licensing agreements.  I first saw this request as I was getting ready for work.  I was going to post a message along the same lines, until I saw that all of the followup posts were for a non-piracy option.

As for the map size issue.  I believe the root of the map issue that my team mate is referring to is a limitation on the number of maps that a garmin unit can recognize at once.  Units can not handle more than 2025 maps, but with the current MicroSD memory chip sizes, this limit can be found quickly.  I recall reading somewhere that a program was available to splice smaller maps into larger ones to reduce the maps count issue.  I loaded the contigious 48 state street maps into my memory stick.  When I went to load Alaska and Hawaii, I went over the limit.

If you limit yourself to geographic regions like the western US or such, you'll probably have no problem getting both the street maps and the topo maps to work.  Otherwise you'll be having to employ some extra steps to get your map count down.

Jake - Team A.I.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Bill Nolan <> wrote:

Well, here's my chance to be unpopular again…


I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like this is an offer to enter into a conspiracy to pirate the Mapsource software.  As a computer and software dealer, I have to point out that this is both morally and legally wrong.  The software has an SRP of just a little over $100, so at least it isn't a felony, which requires $500 (in any six month period).


Bill in Willcox

Does anyone have Garmin Mapsource topo that you'd be willing to burn a copy and share?

I am trying an experiment with an older Garmin GPS unit (an oldie but goldie) and just can't lay out the big bucks for the new CD at this time.

If you have it, just email me off list,


DR Webe

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