This is something everyone should be involved in - the public easement leads into Tortolita Mountain Park and is an excellent area to 4 wheel and place Geocaches as well as just have a picnic or hike. This is access for all and should not be closed.
Please write letters and attend the meeting if possible.
----- Original Message -----
From: T. Chamberlain
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 12:05 PM
Subject: Tortolita Public Access - Call To Action!



Good afternoon,


In a discussion last Friday with the Marana Town attorney I was told that two issues will go before the Marana Town Council on February 03. The Town of Marana intends on asserting it rights to abandon both the Thornydale Road right of way; north of the tunnel, AND, the recorded public easement in order for the Council Members to vote to protect the Saguaro Ranch Development to be all that the developer intended it to. (I.e., private and exclusive)


It is crucial that we prevent this "give away" from happening. Public access to the Tortolita Mountain County Park and it's open spaces must be REPRESENTED and PROTECTED! The public owes no debt to this development! 


Our lawyer said it is important that upwards of 500 letters be sent to all of the Marana Council members AND for there to be that many people present at that meeting. (Marana Council Members email addresses are listed below) Feel free to send a copy of any letter or correspondence you send to this email address as well, and we will make sure all opinions will be received.


Please write your letter in the next a few days. And, please, also have every adult member of your household do the same. Additionally, by each person sharing this information with 2 friends and asking them to do the same, we should be able to let Marana know we do not want them to give a failing development and it's developer our established rights.

Again, attendance for the February 3rd, Marana Council Meeting is crucial. Council Meeting's are held at the Marana Municipal Center: 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona, and begin at 7:00 PM. Please plan on attending!
Attendance, Letter Writing, and Speakers are needed to retain the public right of way and recorded public easement that Marana plans to handover to Saguaro Ranch


Items to consider:

-          Elected officials have the responsibility to represent the public not individual developers

-          Records show that Saguaro Ranch purchased the land with the recorded public easements clearly marked on the documents, but claimed in their advertisements that the area was "exclusive" with only one entrance into the area.

-          Saguaro Ranch has placed boulders, vehicles, and machinery in the recorded public easement to prevent people from using it

-          Saguaro Ranch employees have told members of the public they were trespassing when on the recorded public easement, and in some cases called the police to arrest individuals for walking on that roadway.

-          Saguaro Ranch sells 5 acre lots for over a million dollars, and paid Marana one million for the development fee.  Now Saguaro Ranch wants the +10 acre recorded public easement and right of way given to them.

-          Two court cases are currently underway to address the public use of these roads

-          The right of way and recorded public easements have been used by residents and visitors of the county for access to the Tortolita mountains long before and throughout the time that Marana or Saguaro Ranch have been in existence

-          The natural beauty of the area should be shared by many, not a select few who don't even plan to make their primary residence there - that was the purpose of dedicating the easement to the public in the first place

-          This right of way and recorded public easement are part of the "Loop" (Thornydale to Como) which currently provides access to the Tortolita Mountain Park

-          Constructing buildings, water tanks, and sewer systems within a recorded public easement are against code; abandoning the easement does not do justice for inappropriate actions.  These violations have occurred within Saguaro Ranch on the recorded public easement

-          Saguaro Ranch has deposited debris from the construction of their tunnel in the Right of Way as well as used the area for cacti that were transplanted.  Who else gets the privileged uses of a right of way?

-          Saguaro Ranch has acted dishonestly and in bad faith to the community, Town of Marana, and Pima County, yet Marana now wants to reward them by giving away the public's easement rights.


Express your desires and concerns to the Marana Council members listed below. And, plan on attending Marana Council Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd  at 7:00 PM.  Your presence will make a difference!  


                            ***Please share this information with any group/club of which you belong.*** 

Mayor Ed   

Vice Mayor, Herb Kai: HERB@KAIFARMS.COM 


Council Members:

Roxanne Ziegler: 

Russell Clanagan: 

Patti Comerford: 

John Post: 

Carol McGorray:



See you there,
Tracy Chamberlain