
I figured that some of the "early pioneer" cachers could make that claim. Yes, I think you would agree you fit in that category.  Others that I believe might fit is Bob Renner, Wyle E, Team Sand Dollar, Creepin' Jeepers, roadrunners, Highpointer, AZFastFeet, WhereRWe, Tres Hombres, LazyK and Chump. There are probably many more I am missing from this list.

From Bob Renner: That makes it 5 out of 7 with a chance to make it 6 out of 7 if I ever get up to the Lake Powell area.

The one cache on the list that I believe is the keystone to my query is the
Labyrinth Canyon (GC7E) cache. This has a web based find count of 42 (there are a number more that have actually signed the log). So, I believe that the list of finders of all 5 is quite limited. The only person in the "pioneers" list I could find, it the logbook (not on the web) is Jason.

I believe that Jason, you, can make the claim as being the ONLY cacher to find ALL 7 of Arizona's GCxx caches.

But you did not answer my final question. That of goals. Or, is there a quest?

Jason Poulter wrote:
I have found all the gcxx arizona caches!

Team Snaptek

Steven Stringham wrote:
While no where near the number of caches found, etc. of others, I have
managed a couple of personal milestones yesterday.
I have been concentrating lately on the more "historic" caches in
Arizona lately. I tend to pass by newer caches while on my way to older

1) 1,300 total caches. Finally. I have not been too active at caching
lately, so my number curve has flattened significantly.

2) All of the Arizona active GCXX caches found. In order of finds, and
who I was with:
GC7B - T824 Table Mesa - AZJedi.
GC57 - Geocache - My daughter MarimibaEmma (Rachel)
GCED - Senda de Tonto - Rachel
GC92 (in Portland, Or) - My son Adam
GC7E - Adam
GCFE - Diablo Point. - Rachel. Right in my backyard. My first real south
mountain hike, and me having lived in Phoenix most of my life. It was
about time.

There were two more GCXX caches in Arizona. Both are archived.
GC95    Metro Pecan - The first AZ urban cache - but it lasted from Oct
2000 to May 2001. It was beaten with a bat to the death.
GCB5    Rock Corral - This lasted from Nov 2000 to Feb 2001. Someone
took it.

5 out of 7 still active. Not a bad record overall I would say.

Now, to start on the GCXXX caches.... There are many more of them. I am
counting 47 active. A bit more difficult to obtain them all. I count a
history of about 101 GCXXX caches in Arizona. Of those, 54 have been
archived. I have found now 6 of the total 102, with two of these now
archived. So, I have a long ways to go (43), and much hiking required.
And, boy, am I out of shape. We shall see.

So, I wonder, who else among the AZ Cachers has gotten all the GCXX caches?

And, at last, a question, what are your quests, if any, in caching terms?
* Count?
* Specific caches?
* Just fun?
* ???


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