
and really if my cache was something more than a nano would reactivate it but I will however continue to replace another cache that gets stolen by this threatening individual, and force the issue


Jim Scotti wrote:
Unfortunately, I suppose one mans litter is another mans treasure.  I wonder 
if there's any official reference in the A.R.S. codes that might apply fairly 
literally to a geocache or related item.  I wonder if the sticker that is 
being used is an official sticker or one that was made up by whoever is 
placing them.  In my opinion, the sticker is far uglier than the "litter" it 
was replacing.  It is being made to be seen while the geocache is usually 
hidden or camoflagued and generally not easily seen by the untrained eye.....


On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, MEL HOCKWITT wrote:

Seems to me it would not apply as it is not litter etc.

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Regan Smith<>
 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 3:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Another cache bites the dust

 13-1603. Criminal littering or polluting; classification
 A. A person commits criminal littering or polluting if such person without 
lawful authority does any of the following:

 1. Throws, places, drops or permits to be dropped on public property or 
property of another which is not a lawful dump any litter, destructive or 
injurious material which he does not immediately remove.

 2. Discharges or permits to be discharged any sewage, oil products or 
other harmful substances into any waters or onto any shorelines within the 

 3. Dumps any earth, soil, stones, ores or minerals on any land.

 B. Criminal littering or polluting is punished as follows:

 1. A class 6 felony if a knowing violation of subsection A in which the 
amount of litter or other prohibited material or substance exceeds three 
hundred pounds in weight or one hundred cubic feet in volume or is done in 
any quantity for a commercial purpose.

 2. A class 1 misdemeanor if the act is not punishable under paragraph 1 of 
this subsection and involves placing any destructive or injurious material 
on or within fifty feet of a highway, beach or shoreline of any body of 
water used by the public.

 3. A class 2 misdemeanor if not punishable under paragraph 1 or 2 of this 

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me,
Superman! - Homer Simpson
Jim Scotti
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA       
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