While I don't have many left, I do have some left (copper version).  I got them for trading purposes, so I won't be selling any of them.  I'm sure a trade with me will cost you far less than any ebay auction.

Jake - Team A.I.

On 12/30/06, Roping The Wind <arizcowboy@hotmail.com> wrote:

>From: "Glenn Macica" <>

>Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I hope this finds you well.  Just
>curious if you know where I might purchase an Arizona Geocoin.  I saw one
>that had the azgeocaching.com website with a cactus and the AZ flag.  I'd
>love to pick one of those up... and ideas?  Thanks for the help- and good

There is one available on Ebay right now with a starting bid of $14.99 with
0 bids so far. It is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Of course, now that I
mentioned it on here.... it might end up costing a bit more than that! It is
a very nice geocoin.

Team Ropingthewind

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