Here is a list of desktop applications that support GPX and LOC file
free application for managing both LOC and GPX file types
GPX Spinner (GPX) -
Geocaching Specific - Shareware application that can convert GPX files to iSilo
and Plucker format.
ClayJar Watcher (GPX) -
Geocaching Specific - Freeware application that helps you manage your Pocket
Query GPX files
GPSBabel - A free
console-based application for converting LOC and GPX to various other formats.
Source code available
Geocaching Swiss Army Knife (GSAK)
(GPX/LOC) - All in one application that allows you to manage GPX/LOC files,
upload to your GPS, and convert to various other formats. Uses GPSBabel as the
back end.
Also, there are applications that work on Palm or PocketPC based devices
(GPX) - Free application for managing GPX files on your PocketPC 2003 or later
(GPX) - Donateware application for managing GPX files on PocketPC 2002 or later
Cetus GPS
(LOC) - Free PalmOS application that interfaces with your GPS through a serial
port (or connected GPS). It can read waypoint files in LOC format.
iSilo - Document reader for
Palm OS®, Pocket PC, Windows®, and Windows® CE Handheld devices.
GPX Spinner
can "spin" GPX files into this file format.
Plucker - Alternate web
viewer that works with Palm OS® based handheld devices.
GPX Spinner can "spin" GPX files into this file format.