To support those of us who use Magellans:
My first and only GPS is (and has been for 3 years) a Magellan Sport Track
Map. I came in with no knowledge of GPSrs and found it easy to
use from the beginning. Downloadable maps, plenty of memory without
needing extra expansion cards ( I think I have about 1200 waypoints in
mine right now after a cross country trip), easy navigation buttons, 2
levels of backlight for night caching. There is only a black/white screen
but I find it easy to read and do not feel I need a color screen to
differentiate bodies of water on the screen. Have found it to be very
sturdy, through much rough handling and there are features I do not use (terrain
projection, best fishing times) but they are included! The built in maps are
very adequate for caching if you don't have time to download detail maps.
50+ grandmother and mother of 2 ubercachers