I bought a Magellan Topo thinking it would be the cats ass for caching! Was looking for a cache and I was bouncing all over the place and that's not fun when you're on a mountain going up and down. Finally one in our group who had no GPS found it...thank you...that was a tuff one. Thought we'd hide a cache ourselves, nice good old 50 cal ammo can filled with goodies and named it "Nascar". No one could find it! Even had two hard core cachers stop by and asked if I had a picture of the cache. Just so I did and printed one out and out they went. I was 180 feet off by their measurement. So I send the darn thing back to Magellan and they supposedly repaired and re calibrated my same Topo.  I never used the thing again but gave it to a friend who was interested in caching. Showed him a little about the thing and gave him the book so he could read up on it a little. Darn thing was still way off, he brought it back and were standing in the office parking lot showing where doing 35 mph. Thing is a piece of junk! I've owned a Garmin  GPS1 and II, then went to a Magellan Topo then Platinum and now have and won't trade anything for it...or change my brand, it's a Garmin 60 CS. I've heard a lot of you talking one or the other, it's what suits you. This is what suits me and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it.
Jeep'en Jumpers
In a message dated 6/2/2005 3:51:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, EvilFish@cox.net writes:
instead of telling us why not tell them?? I bet ya get more free stuff.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] The tech support at Magellan collectively is assmart as a mostly retarded hamster

And yet they were nice enough to help you with a second-hand Magellan out of warranty that also had been screwed with by playing with the hidden menus.  All this for free.

David Collins <mcgothbox1@cox.net> wrote:

The tech support at Magellan collectively is as smart as a mostly retarded hamster.

Here is my story.

I get a meridian gold second hand from a friend that killed the basemap by fooling around in the hidden menus

I call up Magellan and explain this to the vary nice lady on the phone who asked me if we could connect the unit to my pc, I did not have the pc link cable so she gave me a ra # and I promptly sent it in. 2 weeks later (including shipping time and the weekend) I get it back I rip open the box and I find my unit neatly tucked in with a brand new cable and a book great I think I am all set  I plop in brand new batteries and take it out side and start to initialize the unit I put in my location  the date the time and it starts to look for satellites then I get “extremely low power shutting down” crap , I got bad batteries

I recharge my set of AA’s and try again no luck I try to hook it to my car same thing

By this time tech support is closed I have to wait until the am


So I call tech support back and the guy listens to my issue, we both agree it’s not the battery spring issue and I once again get an ra # and send it back I get an email stating that the unit shipped, so I call the co and ask what they did the person on the phone tells me they fixed the low power issue and tested for 5 hrs

I think great they really came through

1 week … yada yada  I get it back today open said box and find a 2nd new cable and a 3rd new book  I put in the batteries go though initialize and BAM the same error with in 2 min , I almost chucked it as far as I could I then came in and went to work on the web

Found out that the basemap was probably bad so I nuked it and loaded one I snagged on line and wow fancy that it worked I played with it all night with no issues


So in conclusion 1. tech support does as little as they can get away with  and 2 they lie 5 hrs of testing my but, I found out it still did not work after 2 min and had to revert to the web to find answers. If I have more issues with my unit I am going to run it through a blender and buy a Garmin or something.

