You bet, I will place some Terracaches. (Just as soon as I buy a gps!)
I like to see the competition, if TC grows enough, maybe GC will sit up and take notice!
Also, I have to ask all you "Anti-Nude Cacher" people: Where were you for the past couple of years, while NudeCacher was posting his pics over at No one said anything about THAT, but you are willing to jump all over for the same thing.
Yes, lists Virts. So does Same thing with Locationless. There are plenty of ALL cache types on both sites.
So what??
If you don't like a certain type of cache, then don't do it. It's just that simple.
Back in the beginning, all cache types were lumped together in your stats. Then people whined, and got the cache types categorized.
Now they want caching sites that only list traditonal types of caches?
Enough already!
For those who say that TC is "Wild West" caching, with no rules, and anything goes: I challenge you to actually TAKE A LOOK at They have a cache rating system. If the cache don't cut it, it will find itself archived soon enough. Also, your sponsors on are actual cachers, and believe it or not, many of them have COMMON SENSE. They know where the line is.
Do you have to make a choice between and No, not at all...the two sites complement each other, actually, and between them, cover most aspects of caching. Every cacher will find something they like.
Now all we have to do is get to crawl and add finds to your totals displayed on AZgeocaching, for those of you who log online...
Look, I am not saying is perfect. But neither is
It's good to help the little guy out. It wasn't so long ago that only had a few caches listed on it, too.

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