We've had one of those experiences. A cache was placed along a fence line between an office building and a ballfield. Initially, our GPS was indicating the end of the parking lot of the business. It was after hours, so we knew we wouldn't be spotted through windows. We were, however, spotted by the night security guard. He came along and shouted out to us, "Hey! What are you doing there?" So, in every case that our stealth was compromised, we happily shouted out, "We're geocaching!" Then came the opportunity to explain. As soon as he heard the explanation he said, "Well, let's look over here!" and joined right in. It's true, getting caught IS part of the game. If you haven't gotten caught and you've found over 100 caches, wow! I have to wonder how sneaky you are in the rest of your life, too! (wink) Other responses we've gotten: "Huh?" (the usual response) "Are you looking for that box over there?" "I've seen people looking under that bridge before doing just what you're doing." "Are you one of those people that find those boxes?" and my all-time favorite by a four year old who was across the street from a cache at the front edge of its owner's yard: "I'll show you where it is!" Shari