nothing like waiting for the last minute
btw Meadowglenn cache is missing as well as kingsbourgh and silverhawk...

Jake Olson wrote:
If you're gonna focus your energy on a letter to be removed, why "M".  Why not go after "W"?  I mean "U" is bad enough, but do we really need a second "U" that's twice as bad as the original?  Besides, it's shaped more like double "V" than double "U".

My goals:

1.  Hit 600 caches by the end of November.  (This one is gonna be close but doable, I only need 5.)
2.  Hit 700 by 2008.  (I hear tell of a string of caches in the west valley that can knock a third of that down.)
3.  Do another 299 caches by September 8, 2009.
4.  Get out to GC57, and log my find on that one on it's 9th anniversary.   GC57 was placed on 9/9/00, so on 9/9/09, it will be 9 years old and I'll log it as my 999th cache.
5.  Continue to attend as many events as possible... except for Flash Mobs, those aren't really events.
6.  Have a new geocoin or two made.

Jake - Team A.I.

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Team Sprocket <> wrote:
Some of my personal caching goals are (in no particular order):

1.  Have fun caching with friends
2.  Have fun caching with family
3.  Have fun caching with Cheyenne, T.A.G.D.
4.  Don't get hurt  (this includes broken bones, gouged eyeballs, massive contusions and/or severe blood loss, but _excludes_ piercings by cactus spines, blisters, minor scrapes, cuts and bruises.)
5.  Find a minimum of 8 caches each day I go caching. This is to maintain or improve my average of 7.7 finds per day (of days gone caching.)
6.  Lately, I try to avoid urban caches and lean toward the more rural and remote caches.
7.  Never search for a small or micro cache for more than 15 minutes.
8.  Log ALL of my DNF's!
9.  Don't obsess about the caches I didn't find.  There are plenty of caches out there to look for. I don't need to spend hours scouring some back alley for a cache smaller than my thumbnail.
10.  Introduce myself and be friendly to any new cachers I meet in the field.
11.  Co-host the best possible (but never the biggest) campout cache event that we can, with the resources we have.
12. When caching solo, try not to put myself in any dangerous situations that could result in serious damage to my vehicle or serious injury or death to myself (or both.)
13.  Always maintain a sense of humor.
14.  Have the letter "M" stricken from the alphabet.

-- Sprocket

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