Whoever is doing this is sitting at their computer right now with a boner because of all the attention they are getting. You all have fallen right into his/her trap. And I don't think you can rule out that he/she is NOT a premium member. Chances are it is someone who has been a geocacher for a long time and has strong opinions about what "his" game of geocaching has become. For those who have been in the game for a while, we all remember Mad Morty McVane, the Cache Pirate. He wasn't vanquished because of some threats that were leveled against him. He/she went away becasue we stopped talking about him on this listserver. If everyone just ignores this current idiot, the problem will go away. Let me repeat that, IF EVERYONE IGNORES THIS CURRENT IDIOT< THE PROBLEM WILL GO AWAY!! If you are the victim of one of these stickers, don't cry wolf. Just archive your cache and place it somewhere else (after you remove the sticker, of course.) After all, there are plenty of light poles/electrical boxes/water valves/etc. for everyone. In a few weeks or months, it will all just be an amusing anecdote in the history of Arizona geocaching. If I can paraphrase what Flatiron said, "Don't get your panties in a bunch! Go out geocaching!" And that is my last word on this subject. If anyone has any comments for me, please go off-list. -- Sprocket scottsparks1@gmail.com