Three finds in five years...nice! My kind of cache...thanks for the pointer. And if I find myself in CO, I'll take a look at yours. I would imagine a cache that takes 4 days to find would be pretty special...or at least take me to a very special location.



On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Tahosa McCarthy <> wrote:
Well being a stranger to AZ my knowledge of what they have for the 5 T caches is slim.  But I've heard that GCG6NC is a good one.   But I do miss the ones that I left in CO.   GCNJ2E & GCNJ2G, and if you ever get to CO and have about 4 days of time look for GC1D17V.   When it finally cools off I do hope I can get back in someplace and hide a good one.

I'm moving back to Tucson from a temporary assignment in Seattle in January, and I'll of course start doing some caching in Arizona. I really like the remote, hard terrain caches. Does anybody have any suggestions for their favorite 5-star terrain caches? The more remote, the harder to get to, the better!



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