There has been some interest shown in a Geocache hunt through Charouleau Gap.  The off road miles would be around 18 and there are at least 4 caches to be found.  I will be taking my Jeep Cherokee and have 2, maybe 3 - seats spoken for, I know of 2 other Jeeps that would like to go.
I would like to keep the total of vehicles to around 6. 
This is a difficult 4X4 trail but with help we can get everyone through.  You will most likely get some dings if you have a stock vehicle.
Please respond if you have interest on making this trip, I have planned on Sunday June 23rd meeting in Catalina at Basha's (Oracle & Golder Ranch Rd) will travel south to north and I think that is the most scenic. 
You will need water and lunch as the trip should take about 5 hours depending on time spent looking for caches and any problems.