Thanks. This does help a lot. I have also used that parcel viewer before. Unfortunately, I have a large learning curve it seems. Currently, I am still trying to compile my own personal database for lands that require permits and such to access. I have already crossed into State Trust land without permission once and I want to avoid that and any ramifications that come with it.
Esteban (bakura82)
Pusch Ridge Wilderness has no fences and very few signs.
Basically when you place a cache and submit it to groundspeak you checked the box which reads:
Which implies;
By submitting a cache listing, you assure us that you have adequate permission to hide your cache in the selected location.
BLM permission is only required for caches on BLM lands
They do not care what you put in the parking lot of a store however the store manager/owner might get a tad upset. Everyone saying 'Use Stealth' gets me nervous as I am the person who has had a gun pointed at me when the property owner found me searching for a cache on land they owned and knew nothing of the cache.
Links to help find property owners:
Last but not least would be <- with this site (once you learn how to use it) you can find out any area of Arizona and see if it is national forest, blm, state, private, tribal lands, NPS, ect. ect
Hope this helps
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Brian Casteel <> wrote:That's not very likely among this bunch. But if there are issues, it falls back on those doing the approving, because it isn't difficult to figure out if an area is inside the wilderness boundaries. In fact, they are usually bordered by a fence and marked as being wilderness for those hoofing it to the caches.
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