My in-dash stereo on my truck hasn't worked for a couple of years.  I've been using a walkman in my truck.  I can tell you that I do hear interference from the GPSr when it is turned on even more so when the backlight is turned on.  Granted my GPSr would be back far enough away in the passenger cabin it is not likely to cause an problems with with the avionics... but I'd rather turn off my unnecessary GPSr, than give the pilot any additional distraction while he his trying to see to the safety of the flight during the most critical moments of take off and landing.

I purchased my first GPSr shortly after 9/11.  I lent it to my room mate who was going on a trip to Alabama.  He tied the unit into his laptop while in flight, with the approval of the flight crew.  The flight attendants weren't too thrilled when the software that he was using picked up the GPS motion data and assumed he was driving a route.  The voice software kept announcing that it was off course since the plane wasn't following the contours of roads below.

I haven't been on a plane since 9/11, but I did get some serious questioning from the national guardsmen stationed at Hoover Dam.  It was about 2 months after 9/11 and at 2AM. It's pretty interesting answering questions from a gentleman with a large automatic weapon, about the funny doodad sitting on you dashboard.  I'm not sure what was more difficult, explaining the GPSr, or the elbow and knee pads I had in my back seat for my roller blades.

Jake - Team A.I.