>From what I can see it looks like they are pulling their data from the Grand High Pobah's site. I'm sure it wouldn't take much to just post these links:
Arizona 1-100
Arizona 101-200
Arizona 201-300
Arizona 301-400
Arizona 401-500
But that doesn't tell the whole story behind the cachers. How long have they been caching? How long till they hit their next milestone? What's their DNF ratio? There's so much more to a cacher's statistics than hides/finds.
Keen People has a stat page that each user must keep up. After posting your finds and discoveries on gc.com, you have to log in to their site and post the numbers again. And even then the depth of the stats there aren't very deep, there's just no historical reference to the data.
Jake - Team A.I.
I like their cache database for caches not posted on gc.com. Even though there are not that many, its still nice to have an alternative. I like their listing of state park caches, as well as team stats on who has done them. Would a selective listing like that be possible on azgeocaching?
It looks like they are able to do more with their site since they are an official organization. So they have their own gear etc.
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